Did you know that every parishioner here is a member of a group called the Resurrection Parish Club? This is a bit like a PTA for our whole parish. An executive board and many volunteers plan fun events for our parish while also raising money to support school and church projects and needs.
What is RPC? The purpose of RPC is to promote Christian fellowship among adult members of the parish, to promote spiritual and material undertakings of parish activities, to aid in acquiring the needs for the altar and sanctuary, and to assist in the extraordinary needs of the church, school, religious education, and athletic programs.
This is a parish-wide organization, not a school-only group. Our school and church are both important parts of the parish as a whole. As such, it's vital that both our school families and parishioners are involved in the RPC. We're really working to strengthen the connection between our church and school to unite us all as one parish family.
How can you become involved? RPC meetings are a time for any member of our parish or school to meet and learn about current issues/needs and upcoming events. All parents and parishioners are welcome to attend. The group meets five times each school year, every other month on Wednesday evenings. During the 2023-2024 school year, the group met virtually via Zoom. We share meeting details each month in the bulletin and in the school newsletter.
RPC's work: The group's biggest fundraiser of the year is the annual Fall Festival. More than 100 RPC volunteers work closely with Deb Mitchell to make this massive undertaking a success! RPC also runs our Nut Club dinners, is in charge of Breakfast with Santa, and organizes our annual Trivia Night in addition to helping Deb lead our fish fry dinners during Lent. RPC leads our school's annual tricycle race fundraiser and treats our staff members during Staff Appreciation Week. The group also helps with family game nights, our parish auction, pastries with parents events, and more.
RPC's impact: The money RPC raises has been a blessing for our parish. Over the years, RPC has provided funds for new lawn mowers, replacement bricks for the outside of our school, new lights in the church and school, concrete for the gaga pit, new hand dryers, the tilt skillet that allows us to cook more dumplings during the Fall Festival, maintenance of the Fall Festival trailer, work on the parish office, roller skates for our PE program, a new walk-in freezer, our current playground, new gym bleachers, and more. RPC also purchases all of our school textbooks each year, funds the food for all funeral meals, pays for the 8th grade graduation/reception, purchases supplies for teachers, pays for the donuts for our Welcome Weekends, and more!
2024-2025 RPC Board